Therapeutic Residential Care For Children

Our Children Settle, Strengthen and Progress

Therapeutic Residential Care For Children

Our Children Settle, Strengthen and Progress

Dedicated to improving
Children’s Lives

Nurture Care Group specialises in providing therapeutic care to children aged 8-18 who have experienced considerable trauma throughout their lives.

We believe every child deserves to be at the centre of someone’s world. That is why our service is built around our children, they are and always will be at the centre of all we do.

All our children have access to therapy wherever this fits their clinical need. All our therapies are Trauma Informed and include modalities of Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP), Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR), Therapeutic Life Story (TLS) and Trauma- Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (T-CBT). In addition, we draw upon Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT) informed methods and Trauma-Informed Yoga.

Nurture Care Group comprises a passionate, dedicated team, all working together to provide therapeutic residential care to traumatised children throughout each of our homes.

We believe every child should…


Be iNspired to reach for the stars! Have a number one fan who cheers them on.


Be given the environment, Unity of support and love to simply be a child!


Be surrounded by people who give them the Rooted foundations, to overcome past challenges!


Be given the opportunity to Thrive and create childhood memories that last a lifetime!


Be loved, nurtured and cared for Unconditionally, to the moon and back!


Should feel protected, safe and Reassured. Always!


Be given Emotional and physical support that fits them as individuals.

We believe every child should…


Be iNspired to reach for the stars! Have a number one fan who cheers them on.


Be given the environment, Unity of support and love to simply be a child!


Be surrounded by people who give them the Rooted foundations, to overcome past challenges!


Be given the opportunity to Thrive and create childhood memories that last a lifetime!


Be loved, nurtured and cared for Unconditionally, to the moon and back!


Should feel protected, safe and Reassured. Always!


Be given Emotional and physical support that fits them as individuals.

What We Provide

Safe, Caring and Nurturing Homes for Children who have Experienced Trauma.

Psychologists and Therapists who work daily with the nurture care staff and children from a trauma informed, attachment aware and brain based perspective.

We achieve excellent outcomes for the children we look after.

Nurture Care Pathway

Our Nurture Care Pathway illustrates the core elements of our trauma model to help and support our children.

Pre-Arrival, arrival,
0-9 months

Develop Safely & Build Connection

Explore the Trauma

1 Year +

Restructure and Progress

Strengthen Connection and build Resilience

12 Months

Help Process the Trauma

Nurture Care Pathway

Our Nurture Care Pathway illustrates the core elements of our trauma model to help and support our children.

Develop Safely & Build Connection

Explore the Trauma

Restructure and Progress

Strengthen Connection and build Resilience

Help Process the Trauma

How we help our children

Safety and Nurture

Providing safety and nurture is the absolute foundation that our children require. We ensure this is woven into each aspect of the care we provide and in the children’s day to day lived experiences with us.

Belonging and Therapeutic Care

It is essential for our children to be able to feel that they belong, that they are accepted for who they are and that this is embraced within their home. Our nurture team provide this through the therapeutic care and re-parenting they deliver.

Process and Progress

We help our children to process their trauma experiences through a variety of therapeutic methods. This allows our children to progress with their lives, understand who they are and look forward to a stable and brighter future.

Every Child Placed With Us Has…

Their Own Nurture Carers

Every child in our care has access to their own nurture carer(s). Our nurture carers are trained in areas of trauma, attachment and neuropsychological methods to support children with adverse childhood experiences. The nurture carers use methods which support their child’s brain functioning so that they can support them directly and on a day to day basis with areas such as anxiety management, regulating behaviours and managing hypervigilance.

Clinical Assessment And Outcomes

We provide a full clinical assessment of every child placed with us so we can explore their strengths, risks and needs. We assess our children over a 12 week period and let these findings guide their therapeutic care plan and clinical requirements. We regularly monitor and re-assess our children so we can track their progress and refine our support to help them in their journey.

Therapy Access

All our children have access to therapy wherever this fits their clinical need. All our therapies are Trauma Informed and include modalities of Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP), Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR), Theraputic Life Story (TLS) and Trauma- Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (T-CBT). In addition, we draw upon Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT) informed methods and Trauma-Informed Yoga.

Every Child’s Nurture Carer Has…

Therapeutically Led Specialist Training

Every member of our nurture care team has undertaken our in-house training programme. This allows us to provide our team with the specialist training they need to work with traumatised children, to understand how and why therapeutic parenting is essential and to be confident in using our PACE based methods (playfulness, acceptance, curiosity and empathy).

Reflective Practice Sessions For Our Teams

We provide clinically led reflective practice sessions for our nurture team. This allows our care team to openly and safely explore best practice, use and build on their reflective practice skills and develop their skills to an enhanced level.

Nurture Team Well-Being Sessions

We provide our nurture team with access to monthly well-being sessions for them. These often incorporate mindfulness and relaxation as well as self-care and wellness.

Our Other Services

Sibling Work, Trauma Bonds &
Therapeutic Life Story (TLS)


Training others Therapeutically

Our Nurturing Homes

Our distinct homes are handpicked and designed alongside our dedicated in-house Nurture Psychologist.

Our homes focus on creating a welcoming and nurturing environment.

We ensure we provide our children with the tools to create their own individual spaces and they contribute to the homes environment.

Join our Nurture Care Team

We’re looking for people who want to make a difference in children’s lives. We want to nurture and support our staff to be able to care for our children in the best way they can and in a way that doesn’t lead to burn out. This is why we provide them with clinically informed training, on-going reflective practice sessions and offer therapeutic support sessions for all staff.


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