A typical day at work is a verbal and written handover of relevant information about the young peoples’ emotional, physical wellbeing and relevant events at school or in the home.
I learned what it means to work in a therapeutic household with the young people at the centre. The staff know the children in the home well and take great care in ensuring they feel safe, respected and heard. Management is open-minded and very present on site so it’s easy to reach out with any queries or concerns. They are also very interested in hearing multiple perspectives, and trusting. The team is so welcoming and I feel valued in my role. The most enjoyable part of the job is being involved in the entire team’s joy when the young people in the home are being reported to seem happier, more expressive, confident and progressing well at school. It feels like a effective family-model and shows clearly in the positive development of the young people at the centre, who are thriving despite the traumatic start they have experienced in their more formative years.